The Strategies That I Have Applied in Mastering Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing, Vocabulary and Grammar.

1.      Reading
Actually, I don’t like reading, but reading skills in English very needed. In mastering reading I have strategies to applied when I read an article or a story. First I look the title of the article, from the title I can know what the content of the article. Although in an article having difficult words we do not to worry. Second to know the thesis statment of an article I can see the first paragraph, thesis statement is usually in the first paragraph. Of the thesis statemen will we know what will be discussed in the next paragraph. Third in the next paragraph I can know the topic sentence of the paragraph, the topic sentence is usually at the beginning, middle or end of paragraph. After that supporting details, supporting details is usually related with topic sentence. Fourth in an article I can see conclusion at the last paragraph of article. In conclusion is conclude all paragraph or conlude important information of article. We can understand or comprehend an article with thesis statement and topic sentence.
With the strategies above we can improve reading skills, although in an article having difficult words. 

2.      Listening
in comprehend listening I always listen western music or listen news English. I have strategies to applied When I listen it I will write the words that them say appropriate pronounciation, and I will open dictionary to know mean of word. I will try to listen again until comprehend it. 

3.      Wrting
I like write story. I have strategies to write with good. First like reading we must determine title of our story, second we make topic and topic sentence of the story. Than we make sentence to support topic sentence. Finally we make conclusion from our story.

4.      Vocabulary
I have strategies to mastering vocabulary. First I search and find difficult word and I will write in my book. Than I will find mean of the words and I will memorize it, and always applied in  daily activity.

5.      Grammar
Maybe grammar is difficul skill in English. But grammar is important in English. I have strategies to applied mastering grammar. First I always read book of grammar, applied grammar daily activity and when I write story I always applied grammar in my story. Maybe sometime I forget use grammar and I make formula grammar in mini book, I always bring the book everywere everytime. I always make mind map about grammar such as simple present, comparison act, and I put in my room. If I forget I can see my well at room. With the strategies I can improve to applied grammar in my activity.

6.      Speaking
I have strategies to applied my speak. First sometime I speak with my friends used English. Second I always speak with English in my house. Than I always search tourist and speak with them.

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