Steps in preparing a speech
      Speech is an activity of public speaking or giving speeches to express their opinions, or to give an idea about something. Speech is usually performed by a person who gives speeches and statement about things / events that are important and should be discussed. Before starting the speech should have to pay attention to the steps in preparing a speech correctly. That speech to be delivered will be better and be beneficial to the audience.
      The steps that must be considered in preparing a speech. The first step is to choose a topic of interest, so that the viewers are more interested to hear the speech. The second is the speaker should also find a variety of information about what will be delivered, the information can be sought from a variety of sources, and of course what will be presented is based on events or matters that fact occurred. The last is speaker was also to outline in order to more easily develop a speech.
      In speech must pay attention to the structure of the speech. The first structure that addresses should be known, to be more appreciative audience in attendance. The second is greating, for instance greeting or say good morning to the audience. The third is opening or introduction. The opening part of a speech is very important and serves to convey the good intentions of the speaker, grab and hold viewers' attention, conveying speech topics and purposes. The next is  body, content of the speech delivered must be in accordance with the given topic. Then is closing, the concluding part is very important to give a last chance to the speaker to clarify the intent of what has been delivered to the audience. The last steps is thanking, for the attention and the presence of the audience.
     In conclusion, the speech should be the speaker should pay more attention in preparing a speech correctly. In preparing and delivering speech must concider measures, structural, behavioral aspects of the speech that the speech made more attractive and acceptable to the audience.

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